How much do funerals really cost?
Funeral costs are determined by the services and merchandise requested by the consumer. Costs may range from $3,100 for immediate disposition services to several thousand dollars depending on the type of services and merchandise selected.
Traditional Funeral costs have increased no faster than the consumer price index for other consumer items. The typical traditional service cost at Oyster bay Funeral Home including, staff and facility fees for visitation and the funeral service, automotive equipment, a casket, and grave liner or vault is between $8,000 and $15,000.
When compared to other major life-cycle events, like births and weddings, funerals are not expensive. A wedding costs at least three times as much; but, because it is a happy event, wedding costs are rarely criticized.
A funeral home is a 24-hour, labor-intensive business, with extensive facilities (viewing rooms, chapels, limousines, hearses, etc.). These expenses must be factored into the cost of a funeral. Moreover, the cost of a funeral includes not only merchandise, like caskets, but the services of a funeral director in making arrangements; filing appropriate forms; dealing with doctors, ministers, florists, newspapers and others; and seeing to all the necessary details.
According to NFDA, nationwide, family owned funeral homes generate an 11.3% before tax profit.