Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
9:30 am
Friday, December 31, 2021
St. Dominic RC Chapel
96 Anstice Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
Final Resting Place
11:30 am
Friday, December 31, 2021
Mt. St. Mary's Cemetery
Booth Memorial Avenue
Flushing, New York, United States
Louis Pillari posted a condolence
Thursday, January 6, 2022
We would like to express our sincere condolences to your family. It has been our privilege to assist you during this very difficult time. If there is anything further we can do we are here for you.
Lou Pillari, & Staff
sania posted a condolence
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Dragi cio,
nemoren i nemoren i nemoren vervat.
Falit ćeš,,, joko joko….
Robi Verbanac lit a candle
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Dear Friends and Family,
We laid my father, Franko Verbanac, to rest on Dec 31, 2021 at St. Mary's Cemetery. I would like to share the "Words of Remembrance" I spoke at the beginning of the Funeral Mass that was held at the Old Church at St. Dominic's of Oyster Bay.
"Good Morning.
This will be extremely difficult to say without crying so please be patient with me if I need to take a moment.
First of all I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming to pay your respects to my father amid Covid and the Holiday season. It is very much appreciated.
I also want to thank all the doctors, nurses and medical staff at Memorial Sloan Kettering and St. Francis Hospital who helped us fight this cancer these last 9 months. Many of the nurses we met along the way grew fond of my father and during their 8 hour shift treated him more like a friend, an uncle, or dad than a patient. Some even looked forward to seeing my dad on their next shift when my father had longer hospital stays. That speaks volumes to my father's character.
My father was diagnosed with the rarest form of a T-Cell Lymphoma. He was 1 out of 100 people a year that got this type of cancer.....and yet he never said "Why me?" Upon hearing his diagnoses, he just said "It is what it is...what can you do."
But my mother, brother, and I along with all of our friends kept asking "Why is this happening to such a good man? He did everything right. He didn't deserve this".
I think that when listening to scripture we are often told that there is no reason, it's just the will of God. I like to remember that even Jesus questioned the Heavenly Father, "why have you forsaken me, can't you take this burden from me?" I guess in the simplest term, the response would be "It is what it is...."
I remember my father crying only one time in the 9 months. We were waiting in the cancer hospital to be called in for our 3 hour long chemo treatment, when my father started to sob uncontrollable. He remembered that he had not told me about a dear friend of ours that was diagnosed with type of stomach cancer.
My father said "Why would God do this such to such a good person? He doesn't deserve this...it is so unfair"
I never heard my father say that about himself and yet for a dear friend my father would have willed his friends cancer on top of his own, just to spare his friend pain.
I believe if God appeared in front of us right now and told this group of family and friends gathered here today, that one of you must take this burden on behalf of the rest of you, my father would have volunteered to take that burden.
Maybe that is why God chose my father, the strongest among us to battle this cancer.
I want you all to know he never had any pain during these last 9 months. There was 30 pounds of weight loss, which he gained back but mostly as water retention. Hair loss, that returned once the treatments were changed. He had discomfort and inconvenience, but there was no pain. For that I am truly grateful.
On Dec 25th, Anthony and I stayed with dad all day. His voice was starting to get weaker and his breathing a little bit heavier. My father seemed to know things were not looking too good and started to talk to us about his wishes. He said, if there is no more hope, do not try to save me. If I die let me go and do not keep me alive by machines. Then he told us to tell all of you, his family and friends that he knows you all are worried about him and that you love him. He loves you too, but you are going to be sad because he is sad not to be with you anymore. You will cry but only for a while, then you must remember all the good times we had together. Celebrate the good times.
Dec 26th, was the most difficult moment of my life. How was I going to tell our mother, that the doctors are no longer going to give dad chemo, and that we now have to change our course from saving my fathers life to helping him pass peacefully and pain free. In her heart, my mother knew things were not good but didn't want to hear it. We knew it wasn't good but we didn't want to say it. We were all just hoping that not saying it will not make it true but that’s not how life works.
With the help of my dearest Cia Anita and Cio Danilo we told my mother the news and together as a family cried a lot but emerged united to honor my father's last wishes. We told my mother that now is the time to listen to my father and what he wants to tell her. Don't worry if he is not eating or drink, that doesn't matter now. All that matters is the time you have with him to hear what he wants to tell you..
Well this gave my mother a purpose. She hurried to his bedside determined to speak to him, listen to what he said. She burst into the room while my father was napping and eager for him to speak started caressing his hand asking "What do you want to say to me Franko?" "Do you want to tell me something?" "Is there someone you want to speak to?"
My father's voice was now considerably worse and his breath more laboring. He started to speak and said "Do you remember when we first met?"...and my mother started to fill in the blanks for him.
"Yes, yes of course I remember, we were on the steps of Rasa. You were walking up and I was walking down. We were at the dance and....." my father interrupts her and says "You had a hole in your shoe"
My mom uncontrollably crying replies " Yes and I used my other foot to hide the hole with my shoe so you won't see it, then we went across the plaza and we went to get a drink..." and my father finally got a moment to interrupt my mother and say "WOULD PLEASE LET ME TALK?"
My mother quiets down and listens as my father struggles between breathing and talking and told her: "Loved you from the first time I met you. You have to keep our family together and tell them the story of us. How we got here, where we lived, How it was hard and how your mother helped us so we can work two jobs to make a better life and all the places we went to around the world.....Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Hawaii, California, Canada, Caribbean, Italy, France, Sweden, and Croatia. We watched our children grow, get married and have children. We are very lucky to have such a great life together."
On Dec 27, My father no longer was talking. He was in ICU and we all knew things were not going to last much longer. With my Father's brother Cio Milan by my side, my father looked into my eyes looking for some sort of confirmation that things were going to get better. All I could do was nodded my head "No" and cry. I told him "I was sorry" and his last words to me was " It's not your fault".
That evening at 6 pm, we began to give my father comfort drugs to ease his breathing and calm him down. My mother, brother and I stayed with my father all night watching his heart rate, pulse and heart beat slowly decline over 12 hours. At 4:30 am, we touched him and told him it was okay to go and be with all this relatives that were waiting for him. Every touch we gave him, his heart rate would jump. He could still hear us even though his eyes were shut and he couldn't speak. So we continued to talk to him until 5:08 am, that is when my father drew his last breath.... but his heart didn’t' stop beating until 5:28 am, 20 minutes later.
The strongest part of my father, the part that matter the most, his heart went on beating for 20 more mins because that heart was full of the love he had for all of us.
My father taught me how to live and showed me how to die. I am no longer afraid.
I love you Papa. I will miss you and I will never forget you.
God bless, rest in peace."
-Robi Verbanac
Friday, December 31, 2021

Our sincere condolences to the Verbanac family. We will always remember Franko's ever-present smile.
Arialdo, Tiziana, Ivo and Angelo Mohorovic
Mirandica uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Our heartfelt condolences to Lili, Robi, Anthony, Valdi and all the immediate family. Franko had a profound impact on our lives. Just pure goodness and caring. Franko was with my father when he past and for that I am eternally grateful and it was fitting that in the end it was him. He was my oldest cousin who looked out for the rest of us, and he did so from the heart. He was truly a giver. I love you and your family dear cousin. May you rest in eternal peace with our loved ones now. You will always be with us because we will always remember you in our hearts.
Robi Verbanac Posted Jan 1, 2022 at 5:37 AM
My father often told the story that when he was younger he was very very sick and almost died. It was his dying wish to see your father, but your father instead of seeing him, went to FRANCE and then AMERICA. My father survived his sickness. Later your father gave my parents the sponsorship to come to America.
My father always believed that if Sontol Toni actually came to his bedside, he might have died. So it is fitting that my father be at your dad's bedside at the time of his death.
Masimo Martinčić lit a candle
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Iskreno saučešće obitelji. Adio Franko.
Lynn Yurick Tomeo lit a candle
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ours prayers and love our with all of you from the Yurick Family. Lynn, Leigh and Pat.
How honored we are that fate brought us together. Franco, may you rest in peace. You have filled the world with LOVE!
Robi Verbanac Posted Jan 1, 2022 at 5:42 AM
Dearest Yurick Family
We are so lucky to have found each other after all these years. Thank you for reaching out during this difficult time. We are sorry to hear about the passing of your sister. Please give our regards to whole family. Let us continue to grow closer especially in time of pain.
Kevin McLaughlin lit a candle
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Condolences to the Verbanac family during this difficult time.
Eternal rest grant unto Franko, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Kevin, Maureen & Hannah McLaughlin
St. Dominic's Parish uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

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St. Dominic's Parish lit a candle
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

"The Legend of Angels"
- Suzanne Schwartz
St. Dominic Parish
Robi Verbanac uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

This is what the world saw when they looked at my father...
Robi Verbanac uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

...and this is what his friends experiened every time they were in a room with my father...a loving, funny man who was always trying to bring laughter into their lives
- Robi Verbanac
Adrian Perez y Familia lit a candle
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

We had the pleasure of meeting Franko on our first trip to New York. He opened the doors of his house and his heart too. We will always remember the moments lived with the whole family.
Strength and comfort to you, we love you.
Adrian Perez y Familia
Rob Verbanac Posted Dec 31, 2021 at 1:31 AM
Thank you so much for your kind words. My father wanted us to cry but then to remember all the good times. When he spoke to my mom he reminded her to talk about all the travels specifically to Argentina. It a great day when our families came together forever.
The family of Franko Verbanac uploaded a photo
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

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From St. Dominc's Church uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

"I saw the river over which every soul must pass to reach the kingdom of heaven and the name of the river was suffering.....
but I also saw the boat which carries souls across the river.... and the name of that boat was love."
May you Rob, and your beautiful family, never doubt that each of you were that boat - that LOVE that enabled your beloved father Franko to return unto our beloved Lord!
I pray for your peace -
Love, Sue Schwartz
St. Dominc's Church
Enzo Martincic posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Since I'm here in this country 55 yrs, my dear brother-in-law Franko and I worked and travelled together. We fished together many times. We had a boat together. I'm going to miss him for sure
Robi Verbanac Posted Jan 1, 2022 at 5:47 AM
Dear Cio Enco
Thank you for allowing us to keep our boats at your home in Northport. We started with a 15ft boat and then moved up to the 17 ft MFG. We enjoyed the many fishing trips and family bbq's in your backyard. Those were good times that i will never forget.
tony lit a candle
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Walter Cekada Posted Dec 28, 2021 at 10:40 PM
I remember Franko with the smile. His jokes made me laugh. RIP my friend.
Robi Verbanac Posted Jan 1, 2022 at 5:50 AM
Dear Tony
I never thought I would meet another person who loved to fish more than my father and then I met you. Between the two of you we could have had a fish storage. Thank god you moved to Georgia. Now the porgies in Long island have a chance to live longer without the two of you fishing them.
Nina Pesa lit a candle
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

When I was a kid, Franko and his wife Lilijana babysat me a couple of times when my mom was out visiting family in their area. I refused to wear a life jacket that my mom instructed I wear if I went in their pool. So, at the risk of appeasing a stubborn child, Franko jumped in the pool with me and stayed by my side so I could have the most fun possible. I will always love and remember Franko with everyday that comes … Rest in Peace.
Robi Verbanac Posted Jan 1, 2022 at 5:54 AM
Dearest Nina
Thank you for being the first family member to comment on this memorial site. My father love to "teach". He taught me how to swim, ride a bike, drive a boat, dive into the water. I am so happy you remember feeling safe around my father. He would have never let you down. You can count on him catching you if you tripped.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Franko Verbanac
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Oyster Bay Funeral Home
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About Us
We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
Our Location
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449