Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
Final Resting Place
Monday, February 6, 2023
St. Patrick's Cemetery
45 Huntington Rd.
Huntington, New York, United States
9:45 am
Monday, February 6, 2023
St. Patrick's RC Church
Main Street
Huntington, New York, United States
Richard Young posted a condolence
Thursday, August 1, 2024
So sorry to hear of Dick's passing. He was one of the greatest cops to ever put on the NYPD Uniform. He was a cop through and through.
Louis G. Pillari posted a condolence
Friday, February 24, 2023
We would like to express our sincere condolences to your family. It has been our privilege to assist you during this very difficult time. If there is anything further we can do we are here for you.
Lou Pillari, & Staff
Bonnie Mackie posted a condolence
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Richard F. (Dick) Savage
There are no words to express the painful sense of loss that I feel with the passing of Dick Savage. But I will try. Dick and I were best friends, but beyond that, we also considered each other as brothers. He and I bonded some fifty years ago, and that bond has never shaken or faltered; we were always there for one another. Down through the years we shared much: we shared not only The Job, but lots of travel, adventure, and the private intimacies that only brothers share with one another. We thought from the same head; spoke from the same viewpoint, and often lived from the same wallet. Dick Savage was a man’s man, a cop’s cop, and always the consummate gentleman. He loved The Job; it was who he was. He loved the NYPD and it, and we, shall never see the likes of him again. To call him an NYPD legend doesn’t come close. He was far more than that. He was, at the very least, a legend to the tenth power, and there are hundreds that worked alongside who will tell you the same thing. His love of The Job was second only to the love of his family, his children, grand-children and great grand-children. He loved and cherished them all, as they loved and cherished him.
Good night, sweet prince….
John Mackie Ret. Sgt. NYPD
John Desalvo Posted Feb 14, 2023 at 10:22 AM
Beautifully said, John! I've been so proud and honored, to have called him my Uncle! John DeSalvo
Donald Young Posted Feb 16, 2023 at 1:07 PM
Inspector Savage it was an honor and pleasure to work for you in the greatest plain cloths unit that NYPD ever had . You led a unit of hero’s to the highest glory and always put your men first .
Till Valhalla Sir
Sgt Donnie Young NYPD SCU
“We Own The Night”
New York's Finest Football Alumni posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
The New York's Finest Football Alumni mourns the passing of our teammate, Dick Savage.
Steve Birnstill posted a condolence
Monday, February 6, 2023
I had the great luck to have played with Dick on the NYPD Football team and to work for him in the SCU. He was a great boss,mentor and friend. My sincere condolences to all of his family members who he loved dearly. Godspeed Boss.
Rhea Courtney Bozic posted a condolence
Monday, February 6, 2023
Dick was the ultimate gentleman. James Rooney and I knew him from skiing trips with the ski club. He knew about any subject, could thoughtfully assess and discuss any type of idea, and exhibited the greatest level of kindness and respect to all. He was the person you wanted to be like.
Peter J. Pranzo posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Rest in Peace, Dick Savage. A Street Crime warrior and a true NYPD legend and hero. A dear friend. He will be missed.
Peter J. Pranzo, Ret. Lt., NYPD and Rachela Pranzo
Richard J Pavese posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Rest in peace Inspector Savage, A true NYCPD legend is an understatement. Condolences to the entire family.
Det.Richard J Pavese sh#885 Nycpd Ret.
Bob Pezzano posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
If you wanted to build the perfect cop, you would start by using Dick Savage as the model.
My condolences to his loving family. Retired Sgt. S.C.U. Bob Pezzano
Bill Higgins posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
In 1973 I was trying out for the first football team inNYPD history. I felt kind of old at 29, with many years of high school and semi pro experience behind me. I was surprised to hear that a guy 44 years old with no football experience was trying out for the team! That guy was Dick Savage who defied all odds and made the team. Dick quickly became a good team mate and an even better friend to many of the team for years to come. RIP my friend.
Bill Higgins
Tom Cafferty posted a condolence
Saturday, February 4, 2023
It's not a good day when you get an email about the passing of Dick Savage, a friend as well as a former colleague. I had the privilege of working with him from 81 to 85 and have many fond memories of those years serving alongside a giant among members of the department.
Although this is a time of much sorrow, now that his soul is in the hands of our Lord, it is also a time to celebrate a wonderful life that was well lived. And, in this time of sorrow it should never be forgotten that his family was blessed with a patriarch whose influence will shine upon them for many years to come. God bless Dick's family in this trying time.
Tom Cafferty ret NYPD
Greg uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Thinking of words to say but all I can ad is that I worked with Dick as a Sgt and then again when he was an inspector. The CO of the street crime unit. I walked into work one afternoon and the XO Capt Goodheart told me I’m driving him. Dick heard him and told he’s not driving you he’s with me and that’s that. Whatever his rank when you were with him it was just you and him, no rank involved. The last couple of times I visited NY city Dick met me along with Frank and Charlie and the 4 of us went to dinner just talking about the good old days and the crew we had the privilege of working with. Never be another like him. He will be missed. Rest in piece Dick.
John Zaboras posted a condolence
Saturday, February 4, 2023
First encountered Dick Savage on 135 St. and Broadway holding three aside the trunk of a livery cab, alone and with a shotgun in hand. I asked if he needed help while noticing the star burst lieutenant shield on a chain. He calmly said "No, my boys will be here directly." A few years later I was privileged to be in the same building on Randall's Island with him. Wow! To those in law enforcement these days recounts like these may sound like fiction. But there was a day that criminals quaked in their shoes, often ran out of their shoes, at the likes of Dick Savage and others like him and victims could feel they had an advocate. This advocate now rests in Heaven awaiting his next command. Thank you Inspector and his family who shared him with us.
Rob napolitano uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Any young enthusiastic cop selected to be on Lt Dick Savages team in the street crime unit was given an education in how to do police work “ right “ and be involved some fantastic stuff that people today would never imagine. The man was super dedicated and a talented leader and boss. And a had a very sarcastic wit - I’m honored to say he influenced by career tremendously. He is regarded as one the great NYPD legend. His children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were blessed. RIP Lt Savage
Rob” nappy “ Napolitano . Ret Insp NYPD
Connie Montanaro lit a candle
Friday, February 3, 2023

We met during your Street Crime Days in Parkchester ‘81 then later skiing where we shared many many great times and Great War stories one of which was with your brother Lt Savage. You were always a great friend & even better boss a man of conviction. You are certainly one of St Michaels Archangels
Edwin Maldonado posted a condolence
Friday, February 3, 2023
Boss, you will be missed. It was an honor to work for you. Thankful to consider you a friend and a dive buddy. Rest in peace.
Lisa Savage uploaded photo(s)
Friday, February 3, 2023

Dearest Dad & Pop Pop,
Words cannot express the incredible impact you have had on all our lives. You have been our hero, mentor, rock, and constant. You have always been there for every milestone with a camera in hand! You are a fantastic father, pop-pop, and great-grandfather. We love you to the depths of our souls, and to say we will miss you is an understatement. We love you more than anything and are blessed to have had you in our lives. But, we know you will continue to watch over us only this time from heaven…forever, our angel! Xoxo Rich, Lisa, Shannie, & Rich
The family of Richard F. Savage uploaded a photo
Friday, February 3, 2023

Please wait
Charles Attanasio posted a condolence
Friday, February 3, 2023
I am very sad to here of Dick's passing. I worked with him in the Elite Street Crime Unit , 1982 & 1983.
We were awarded Medals of Valor in 1983 for an incident that occurred in 1982.
Over the years we met a few times for dinner and drinks.
A great guy who always displayed kindness, toughness and courage.
A great sense of humor. He will be truly missed.
Charlie Attanasio
Bob Martin posted a condolence
Friday, February 3, 2023
Q: How did you meet Richard?
A: I met Dick (Sgt. Savage) in a freezing cold hangar at Floyd Bennett Field, February 1977, where the New York's Finest Football Team , was conducting pre-season workout/tryouts. Dick, at 43 years old, never having played organized football, was trying out for a very good team. I thought his chances of making the team were-slim to none. That was because I did not know of the courage and incredible strength of character this man possessed. He made the team. stuck it out through a very physically demanding season and played some DB at SHEA STADIUM in a win over our Fire Department arch rivals in the 5th Annual-Fun City Bowl.
Incredible determination!
Oddly enough, one month after that game, myself (DB) and my teammates Mike Ciravolo (DB), Steve Birnstill and Kenny Bender (OL) were all transferred to the Street Crime Unit.
We were the first of the many members of the Finest Football Team that Sgt, Lt, Captain, D.I. Dick Savage would mentor in our NYPD careers.
"A quitter never wins and
a winner never quits."
Dick Savage never quit and he will forever be a winner in the hearts of the New York's Finest Football Team & Alumni. God Bless You and Your Loved Ones-
Dick Savage
About Us
We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
Our Location
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449