Tribute Wall
Final Resting Place
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Locust Valley Cemetery
Ryefield Road
Locust Valley, New York, United States
Memorial Visitation at Funeral Home
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
10:30 am
Monday, October 23, 2023
St. Dominic RC Chapel
96 Anstice Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
Anna Rossini posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
On behalf of the Administration, Faculty and Staff of Queens College, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the entire family.
May she Rest in Peace,
Marcella Orlando posted a condolence
Monday, October 23, 2023
Marcella was the greatest aunt and godmother to me. She loved me as if I was her own daughter and always took such good care of me. I remember every time I needed an outfit for an event or clothes for school she would take me shopping and insisted on buying me just about everything that fit. She always made sure I had everything I needed and I know she did the same for everyone she knew. Many of my favorite memories of her were right in her kitchen baking cakes and making jam together. I know without a doubt that my mom named me after the kindest, sweetest, most selfless woman in the world. Aunt Marcella always would say she was hoping I would look exactly like her with blonde hair and blue eyes. Although I don’t look very much like her I inherited my best trait from her, my dimples. It’s always the first thing people notice when I smile and I’m proud to say I got them from my Aunt Marcella. She continues to be my inspiration each and every day and I hope to carry on her name in the best way possible.
Marilyn Noble posted a condolence
Sunday, October 22, 2023
I first met Marcella when I was 5 years old and she was 10. I was her sisters Judie’s friend/neighbor. She was a beautiful kind soul and always made me laugh! I remember the way both she and John would look at each other you could feel the love they had. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person due to surgery but I just wanted to send my deepest condolences to the family Love, Marilyn
Susan Peterson uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Teodora and Manuel Martinez posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
From Teodora and Manuel:
Now that we have lost Marcella we regret not having made more of an effort to get know her more closely. The only two times we did meet we admired her openness and her obvious love of family, and we will forever keep this beautiful memory. And, thankfully, we are sure her spirit will survive in Cris, Lucía and Daniel.
Elisa Martinez posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Marcella, you gave my darling sister your unconditional love, and the most wonderful partner, in your son Chris. Thank you, and thanks to John, for the beauty of your life.
Judie Orlando posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Judie Orlando
I first met Marcella when she was 5 years old. I have countless memories of her – her beautiful blonde hair, her sparkling eyes that changed from blue to green to gray, her smile, laughter, and playfulness. As life unfolded, her transcendent beauty and her sparkle did not fade. It was magnified into an inner beauty that few could ignore and time could not erase. She was lovely, keenly intelligent, kind, thoughtful, and funny.
Marcella married John - her soulmate and the love of her life. Together they raised three magnificent sons. She was a devoted wife and mother, a friend of the highest caliber, a devoted sister, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin, and grandmother. Marcella also spent countless hours volunteering, especially for organizations that benefitted children. She always had a deep compassion and respect for every living thing. She was selfless, always placing others before herself, even till the very end of her life. In the lifetime I shared with her, I never heard her speak an unkind or malicious word. With all this virtue, she never lost her sense of humor nor her flawless comedic timing. Anyone who thinks that one individual cannot have an impact on the world never knew Marcella.
Marcella was also a devoted daughter who, in her customary excellence, cared for our mother Katherine in the twilight of her life. I would be remiss not to speak of the extraordinary love she shared with her husband John, who cared for her with that same love when she needed him most. Their dedication and devotion to each other is an inspiration to all who know them. They showed us how to live life and give your all to every thing you undertake. I will always treasure the great times I had with my sister, as well as the many conversations we shared (until the wee hours of the morning). Lastly, she is unforgettable for so many reasons, her passion for life, her kindness, her beauty, her love for all of us.
Susan Quinn Hofmann posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
When I was 5 and Karen was 8 Marcella and John asked us to be their flower girls at their wedding… obviously we were so excited. Amy was only 2 and too young. Marcella picked out the most beautiful white dresses with magenta sashes. My sisters and I always thought she was the most beautiful and cool person we could imagine. We weren’t used to having a tall, blonde aunt, she was so young and had her bell bottom jeans, we were completely STAR STRUCK by her and that never changed for us. Marcella really treated us like we were her daughters. She was an amazing wife, mom, grandma, sister, daughter and friend. Truly one of a kind and will be sorely missed by all the Quinn girls. Sending so much love to Uncle John, Jeremy & Corinne, Chris & Monica, Tim & Chinar
Denise Cantiello posted a condolence
Thursday, October 19, 2023
My dear friend of over 46 years Marcella, you will live in my heart forever. We made so many memories raising our children. Whether sitting at the kitchen table at your house or mine or talking on the phone we laughed and often cried together. Sometimes tears of joy and sometimes of sadness but we were there for each other. You fought a courageous battle with poor health for a long time. You fought with grace my friend. You were loved by all whose lives you touched, and you touched so many. Rest sweetly my friend. I love you!
Sandra Simpson posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
John, so sorry to hear about Marcella. She was always so sweet to me when I would speak to you both at State Farm gatherings. May she rest in peace. I will keep you and your family in my prayers during this difficult time. Sincerely, Sandra Simpson
Barbara Starkey posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Dear Family -
When I think of my dear sweet cousin Marcella - my thoughts go back to childhood and what a wonderful time we shared. We would spend weeks at their home in Sound Beach - swimming to “black rock” and diving on and off it. We put on plays and turned teenagers together in the safety of our loving family. I treasure these memories and hold them in my heart. The sadness of her passing is lightened only by the beauty of the life she built - wonderful marriage - beautiful family - children and grandchildren. Sweet beautiful cousin Marcella was loved by us all. She has gone on to light up heaven where I believe we shall all rejoice again together. May God bless her and the family she has left behind. Sending prayers, peace & love, to John and all the family at this sad time.
Your cousin Barbara
Alexandra Centeno posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
John, I remember you and Marcella fondly from the "good old days" when we as an agency force met regularly. Who can forget those great Holiday parties at Whitney. She always was in good spirits with a great smile!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know you will always have all your magical years together in your heart and as memories!
Love, Alexandra Centeno
jay sturtz posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Thoughts and prayers are with John and your family.
Jay Sturtz ( Safelite - Penn Glass )
Fran Wharton posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Beautiful Marcella, thank you for all the precious memories you gave me and for making this world a better place with your warmth and your loving spirit. You will be missed until we meet again in the loving hands of God. I am so thankful to have had you in my life.
Aldo Orlando uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The passing of our beloved Marcella is a great loss to all who knew her and loved her, especially to her family and friends. She was a beautiful and extraordinary human being. She was witty and funny but most of all very generous and kindhearted. Whatever she put her mind to do, she did with simple excellence. She was the heart of the family. There is so much to say about her and what she did, but her legacy is undeniable and speaks for itself. She was very close to my wife Judie who is her younger sister. When Judie and I got married 40 years ago, Marcella helped with her wedding dress and had Judie get dressed at her house. The day after our wedding, she had my family and Judie’s family over her house. That is just one example. She did so much for us and for so many others.
Personally, it has been an honor to have had Marcella as my sister-in-law. She was a role model and admired by so many. My daughter Marcella was named after her and looked up to her and had tremendous respect for her and loved her dearly along with her other nieces and nephews. She was a wonderful, devoted wife, mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, and sister-in-law. Judie, our daughter Marcella, our son Nicholas and I will miss her dearly.
Jane Wright Miner posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
I remember Marcella as being so welcoming and full of life. She was always laughing at something, smiling, and making others smile, as well. I'm sending love and wishes for peace to all of your family.
Jane Wright Miner
Nicholas Orlando posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
I'll miss my favorite aunt very much. She was such a kind person. She was always loving, sweet, welcoming and generous to everyone. She was a wonderful part of our lives and we will miss her so much.
Barbara Quinn posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Marcella was the kindest, sweetest and most caring person ever. She was my sister-in-law and I admired the way she lived her life and loved her family. She had so many friends who loved her. In her final days she exhibited courage and grace and always had a smile on her beautiful face. I will miss you, Marvelous Marcella. Rest in peace, Love Barbara
Marjorie Walsh lit a candle
Monday, October 16, 2023

Dearest family - my heart aches for you all during this most challenging time. I send love and support your way. I know that cousin Marcella is resting in peace and love surrounded by our family that is in Gods heaven already. I will never forget her magnificent smile and laughter. She lit up any room we shared together during my childhood. Peter and her were especially sweet together in my memories. Im grateful she was in my life and that she will forever live on in my heart. Special hugs to cousin Judy from me. John, God bless you and the children and grandchildren you two shared. Im especially sorry for your loss. Only love, Marjorie
The family of Marcella Timbs Specce uploaded a photo
Monday, October 16, 2023

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About Us
We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
Our Location
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449