Tribute Wall
Christine (Hollmuller) Hagen posted a condolence
To All,
Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts. You were all special to him at sometime in his life. He was a good father, husband, brother and friend. I truly miss him.
Thank you,
Ron Florek posted a condolence
Russ, myself and my cousin Bob were buddies in high school and college. Although we went our separate ways after college we still have many memories of some wild and crazy things we did growing up. I was shocked and deeply saddened by his untimely passing. My condolences to his family.
Robert Grant posted a condolence
Although we were not close for many years, Russell was my oldest friend. I have a picture of us on the day we graduated from kindergarten. If anyone sees this note please contact me. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Chris if you see this please contact me. My phone is 602-625-3196 (Phoenix, AZ)
Robert Grant posted a condolence
Although we were not close for many years, Russell was my oldest friend. I have a picture of us on the day we graduated from kindergarten. If anyone sees this note please contact me. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Chris if you see this please contact me. My phone is 602-625-3196 (Phoenix, AZ)
Judythe Dingfelder posted a condolence
Russell was a good friend of my brother Gene - I remember him as a pesty, energetic very cute kid - always messing around. I'm sure he grew up to be a wonderful kind and caring man, a good Daddy and a good husband. My sympathy and that of my Mom Elsie (who also remembers him) go to his family.
Gene S. Brandt posted a condolence
Russell and I were pals growing up, and I was so sorry to hear of his death. While we had lost touch, except for cards at Christmas, I remember him as a great, fun-loving guy, and I am sure he was a great husband and father. My sympathies to his family.
marianne tierney posted a condolence
My heart is with you...
If their is anything you need,
anything we can do to help...
please let us know.
Love you,
your cousin Marianne and Aunt Josephine
Aleta Conrad LaBarbera posted a condolence
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I just happened on this while searching for Chris and completely fell apart. Russell and Chris were such a big part of my life for so many years. I think about you so often and now grieve terribly for your loss. Please call me 845-342-6709.
About Us
We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
Our Location
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449