Tribute Wall
Jim Cochrane posted a condolence
Dear Pamela and family,
My heartfelt sympathies. Your
mom was a diamond in the rough, one of a kind. Her integrity , grace and soulfulness was infectious. She was and continues to be an inspiration to me.
A friend posted a condolence
To Rita Oill...I did not know you but you live on more than you can possibly imagine. Your daughter, Marie, has passed on some beautiful memories of you over the few years that I have known her. Your Marie is an incredible woman whom I truly respect for many reasons that I am sure we passed on from you. A Happy Birthday in heaven, Rita...may God bless your loving family as they still grieve and miss you so dearly.
Pam posted a condolence
Remembering you and your birthday, Mom. I miss you more and more. and more.
Danny posted a condolence
Happy Birthday Grandma. I Miss You, I Love You, Sleep Sweet and I Shall See You Soon... <3
Danny posted a condolence
this is a poem i wrote the day before the two year anniversary... i miss you grandma, more and more every day... i know ive made mistakes but i hope one day ill grow up to be someone you would be proud of... so tomoro's the day
got this feelin in my stomach
like a sailors knot
like i wanna just vomit
and at the same time i simply wanna lay down and cry
shed a tear for every word i never said before you died
all the i love you's and the hugs
morning breakfast grilled cheese lunch
big ass feast at supper time
and your desserts were something fine
now a memory slowly fading
a distant dream a constant waiting
fear ill never be the same
amongst the loss and all the pain
but there's no runnin and no end
cant give up even when im mad
when giving in is the easiest thing
this is the time i keep my head up and sing
write down my thoughts spell out my feelings
walk out the door for a fresh set of beatings
a new set of trials brought forth with brute force
tryin to knock me down again
does this cycle ever end?
or is this simply the rut
that i now must call my life
all the dreams and all the heartbreaks
climbing mountains, shaken by earthquakes
but somehow my feet stay on ground
i always seem to come back around
make the motions seek the means
to fight beyond a level seen
strive for greatness and above
know there'll always be your love
and in the end there's always you
in my heart and mind there's you
all the things that bring you back
take my breath away like an asthma attack
so i start to pause take one step back
and contemplate which track im at
where the next turn in the road
and will i travel it alone
and then i set out once again
trying to find where the pain ends
Matthew Oill posted a condolence
Dear Grandma, My life has been different without you. We had some wonderful memories memories in my ten years with you. I wish I could talk to you again. I miss and love you alot.
Philip Settepani posted a condolence
Grandma, We're moving to Florida and of all the things
my best Friends Grandpa died
which stinks cause i can't be there for him and i'm Mad i want to be with him!!!! WHY DID U HAVE TO DIE????????EVERYONE IS SAD EVEN IF THEY DO SHOW IT EVERYONE IS SAD!!!
I wish you where here... just one more time.. Just one.....
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll miss you forever but i can help people who go through Tragic death.. ethier wise it STINKS!!! I LOVE YOU GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pam posted a condolence
Mommy, it actually doesn't get easier because I wish you were here so we could talk about how deep losing you goes. Each day a new loss is realized and compounds the already profound loss of you forever. It's ungraspable, though I try. But nothing's the same. We really miss you. I really miss you.
Danny Settepani posted a condolence
Grandma, this month was your birthday, and I had no idea...i had no idea, never really knew...just one of those things...now your cars about as dead as you, and is turning into another memory gone...I'll never forget, no matter who comes in or who goes out, you are and forever will be one memory for eternity...sleep sweet and I shall see you soon
Love Danny <3
cajo cabato Jr. posted a condolence
I am sorry for you family's lost and for not keeping in touch. I loved your mom although I met her a few times, but she reminded me of mine whom I lost in May 2008. Sometimes we don't agree with Gods decisions, but I do know Mom's will never leave for her legacy lives within us.
God Bless you Oill family.
Aloha, Cajo Cabato and family
george posted a condolence
No words can describe how I feel. I'll miss you and always have a place in my heart for you. Hope we can play some cards when I meet up with you again.
Danny Settepani posted a condolence
Its six months later
And nothing seems the same
One day all is going great
The next day all goes insane
What is becomes what used to be
The now becomes the past
You cared for me
You loved me
You were there when i was born
You sent me cards
You sent me money
You sent love from door to door
You were quiet
But not shy
You gave lots
With no reply
No publicity
And no fame
No one really knew your name
Then one day, all seemed to change
Everyone knew
Everyone came
News reporters
Family friends
And still the story will not end
Whos the killer?
Whos to blame?
Whos the man with bottled shame?
Will we know, it seems unlikely
Maybe one day, still most likely
Just wont matter and quite frankly
Pain remains still through revenge
The question is it right to go avenge
the death of someone undeserving
Done no man wrong
Just loved her family
Still your gone and i still miss you
God alone knows how i miss you
All the same, the world unchanged
Is all life to die in vain?
To make a difference
thats the key
and will it last for eternity
or will it last a couple months
then hit the sack without a fuss
youre gone forever, its sad but true
theres nothing you or me can do
you cant come back, i cant go with you
gotta move on but stuck here with you
in the pain of the moment
the last goodbye, the last love omen
then finally, the rose in hand
the mourning process had began
and on a new course i had sprung
into a new oblivion
a word goodbye, you never gone
youre always in my heart
and though the world may never change for them
the world will never seem the way
it once was viewed in awe by me
i cant deny it any more
your gone forever, more and more
a hug, a kiss, a rose, a family
I love you grandma, with all thats in me
and this concludes my ode to you
sleep sweet and i shall see you soon
Love you grandma miss you
Danny posted a condolence
I can't imagine what Mother's day is going to be like without you. I love you. I miss you. Happy MOther's Day.
Annarose posted a condolence
Happy Birthday Grandma. I miss you soooooooo much! We are going out to Long Island tomorrow. I will miss seeing you at the doorway. And recieving one of your big warm hugs.
I love you Grandma.
Annarose posted a condolence
Happy Birthday Grandma. I miss you soooooooo much! We are going out to Long Island tomorrow. I will miss seeing you at the doorway. And recieving one of your big warm hugs.
I love you Grandma.
Pam posted a condolence
Happy Birthday, Mom. I miss you terribly, Mommy. It's only been four months -- four months already and only four months. You wouldn't like the weather - it's a nasty, rainy day. They engraved your name and dates on the back of Daddy's headstone. Still I look at your picture and can hardly believe it's true. My little Philip has made a big pot of "tear soup" of his own. We remember you, love you and miss you, this day and every day. love, Pam
Danny posted a condolence
My first thought on New Year's Eve was to call you, Like I have every year. You were always my first call when the clock struck midnight. The thought didn't change this year. It never will. I love you.
Philip posted a condolence
I miss you grandma!!!!!
Every night mommy and I have a grandma session when we cry.
I miss you sooooooooo much :(
I wish you were here to see us. I wish I could see you again. I love you and I miss you alot. Philip
Pam posted a condolence
Mommy, today's one of the hard days that catch you off guard. I can't stop crying; I miss you so much. just want to call to tell you even that! I can't get over how much a part of my everyday life you were -- even though we didn't talk on any regular basis. Just like when I was growing up, I always knew you were there. And now you're not. And I simply can't get my mind and heart around that fact. You were always there. Now you're not. You're really not. This is really gonna take some time, Mommy. I miss you so much.
Marie posted a condolence
Happy Thanksgiving Mommy. You'd be so proud. Today we cooked and celebrated your favorite holiday. It wasn't easy but it's what I wanted to do for you and me. I'm so thankful I was with you and I believe you knew I was there too. You were everything to me, and I could never imagine how I would live without you. You taught me SO much and when you left this earth you passed on your strength to me. I finally understand why you were so strong. Thank you for everything you gave me..LOVE, patience, forgiveness, support and memories and most of all your strength. I love you Mommy. -Marie
Phil Settepani posted a condolence
Dear Mom,
Thank you for always being available, in your many ways, to comfort us.
One of many fond memories...
It was December 18th. As our jeep managed the moonlit roads and soft falling snow, I felt a great comfort and joy that you were in the passenger seat as we drove Pamela to the hospital. Frank Sinatra was playing on the radio.
At the hospital, you sat with my Mom, holding hands, as you watched, with a flashlight, the birth of your grandson, Daniel Philip.
And I saw you crying tears of joy.
This December, Pamela, Annarose, Philip, and I will celebrate with Danny on his 16th birthday. Frank Sinatra will be playing on the radio and we will cry. We will cry tears of joy as we remember You, and the many ways You comforted us.
Love always,
your son-in-law, Phil
Carolyn Oill posted a condolence
I heard this song in a drug store the other day; now it will always remind me of Mom. "When the singer’s gone, let the song go on. It’s a fine line between the darkness and the dawn. They say in the darkest night is a light beyond. But the ending always comes at last. Endings always come too fast. They come too fast, but they pass too slow. I love you and that’s all I know.” (Lyrics by J. Webb)
Staff at the Oyster Bay Funeral Home posted a condolence
We would like to express our sincere condolences to your family. It has been our privilege to assist you during this very difficult time. If there is anything further we can do, we are here for you. Lou, Kristy & Staff Oyster Bay Funeral Home
David Oill posted a condolence
Dear Mom, I've never cried so hard, or so much, in my life. Then I thought I was done, and out came more tears. It's hard to think about the hugs I won't get from you anymore...and I'll miss seeing you visit with Carter, Drake, Juliet, and Henry. The last time I saw you, I hugged you tight, in case it was the last time...but I didn't think it would be the last time. I love you. OX
Dan Oill posted a condolence
No Long Goodbyes
By Daniel Lennart Oill
Life’s too short to die this way
No long good byes, no chance to say
I love you Mom, How ya feeling today?
No long illness to cure, no disease to fight,
No 6 months to live, or will she make it thru the night.
No beating the odds, no 50/50 shot,
She’s with us one moment, and now she’s not.
If God had a plan, it’s a strange one indeed,
But to take her so tragically, I can’t agree.
We need 20 more years of her love and care
With her bright red lipstick and her short white hair.
It was 30 years ago when my father died
We laid him to rest and I watched my Mom cry.
She cried in her room, so we couldn’t see
The sadness she felt for my siblings and me.
Then she gathered herself and dried her tears
She put on a smile, and faced her fears.
She found a job so she could pay the bills
And made us healthy when we became ill.
She was the best Mom, there’s no doubt in my mind,
And now the world knows she’s one of a kind.
I miss her now more than ever,
I still can’t believe that she’s gone forever.
I love you Mom, I’m proud of you
I wish you were here, you’d be proud of us too.
Many people have come with a tear in their eye,
I love you Mom, I love you, goodbye.
John Bergano and phyllis posted a condolence
hi guys, i know that this past week has been like a bad dream , i know that your love for your mom will help you get through this. i know that i will be counting on her quiet way she will help all of us. i love you all. i will always think of her when i hear ,in the mood.,with so many other beautiful memories. love phyllis and john
John Bergano and phyllis posted a condolence
hi guys, i know that this past week has been like a bad dream , i know that your love for your mom will help you get through this. i know that i will be counting on her quiet way she will help all of us. i love you all. i will always think of her when i hear ,in the mood.,with so many other beautiful memories. love phyllis and john
Sharon Rowe posted a condolence
Dear Cousins,
Please accept my sympathy and love in the death of your Mom and my Aunt Rita. I have so many memories going back so many years. She was obviously a great Mom.....look how well all of you turned out! She was also a great Aunt. I know what you're all going through. It's very hard to lose your parents, no matter how old you or they are! I wish we lived closer to you. Love, Sharon
Barbara Weiler posted a condolence
Rita Dear,
The glow that always comes over your face when any of the children are mentioned will light up the whole universe this weekend. Your family has exemplified the wonderful role model you are and in the loving and caring way you raised them. They have so much to pass on to their children. You are an inspiration to all of us. We were blessed to be your neighbor for twenty-five years and friends forever.
Barbara Weiler
Jill Johnson Parkosewich posted a condolence
Carolyn & Pam,
I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I'm sure she was a very special woman, as she raised some amazing children. May God give you strength and comfort during this sad time.
Gary Spence posted a condolence
I wish life would extend us a different hand sometimes, like in this case, the very short time we were fortunate
enough to see her, could never be enough. All the great memories of spending time at the family reunions with her and the rest of you was very special to us and our children.
Losing our parent is one of the hardest things we do in life, and I know how void it is without having my Dad with us an longer.
Our sincerest sympathy to all our you for your loss, she was very loved by us as well.
Gary, Denise Spence & our children, Desiree, Michael, Kristin.
Patreena (Deegan) Parsons posted a condolence
Carolyn and Pam,
My thoughts are with both of you and your whole family at the loss of your dear mother.
Joe & Eleanor Trotta posted a condolence
To the Oill and Ammirata Families, Mickey and Bella.
We want to extend to you our sympathy in your tragic loss.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Sincerely, Joe and Eleanor Trotta
William & Inge Parker posted a condolence
We're so sorry for your loss and grief, Our prayers are with you.
Colleen E. Lamb posted a condolence
Homemade ice tea, birthday cake and pizza. My extended family's mom. So many wonderful Terry Lane memories that will always be cherished.
Kathy Kelly posted a condolence
I am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my mother at this time last year, I pray for your Mom and your entire family at this difficult time. God Bless you.
Pat Weiler posted a condolence
Mrs. Oil, it was so great to grow up having you and your family next door. You were always there for all of us. Thank you for being part of my wonderful and loving childhood.
Love, Patty
Pam posted a condolence
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy
In an instant our lives are changed forever. I miss you immensely. I love you forever.
Lorraine DeVito posted a condolence
On behafe of all the ladies of the Thursday morning bowling league I send our condolences to Rita's family.
Rita was a wonderful woman, and was liked by all. We will miss her.
Danny Settepani posted a condolence
I'm going to miss you a lot grandma, and I will always remember you and you will always have a part in my heart. My fondest memories of cards, crosswords, and homemade breakfast will be remembered and celebrated in your memory. I love you and I miss you.
Kimberly Martin posted a condolence
Steve and family,
We were so very sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kim, Paul, Alana and Jarrod
Mike McAdams posted a condolence
All of my memories of Mrs. Oill are fond. When Marie and I worked together we would sometimes spend time at the house on our days off watching soap operas. I remember always feeling welcome. She had such a warm way of conversing, a way that made me realize that she really cared, really was interested in what I was saying. And whenever I went to vote at Village Hall, she had a warm hug and smile, and an amusing anecdote on hand. She was a lot like my mom was, I think; one of those genuinely sweet and caring souls, always with a kind word and a smile. I miss you Mrs. Oill - please say "Hi" to my mom if you meet her; I know you and she would get along splendidly.
Katie Robinson posted a condolence
Since I first met you at my Aunt Mary's bridal shower, I knew that you were someone special. I will miss you at our family parties in Albany.
Daniel Oill posted a condolence
You were such a great person and an exceptional grandmother, you will always be in my heart. I love you.
Joan Bernstein posted a condolence
my condelences to the whole family on your tragic loss.
Rita always had a smile and was such a caring person.
Brittany posted a condolence
I never meet you , but I am Jackie's best-friend. From my understandings you were a very nice and thoughtful person. Jackie was always talking about you.
Michelle Ciota posted a condolence
My thoughts and prayers are with you Steve and family. I am so sorry for your loss.
Annarose posted a condolence
I miss you, I loved you so much Grandma and I will never forget you.
You will always be in my heart.
Annarose posted a condolence
I miss you, I loved you so much Grandma and I will never forget you.
You will always be in my heart.
Steven LoRusso and Family posted a condolence
Dear Marie and Bill,
We were heartsick when we heard of this tragedy. We didn't know your Mom, but she sounds like a wonderful woman and many people will have beautiful memories to share with you. We know what kind hearted and loving people you are, and that was surely influenced by her. Please know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We pray God will strengthen you with his presence and we also pray that you draw strength from each other and the memories you share.
Steven LoRusso and Family
Judi and Skip Weir posted a condolence
Dear Family, Our hearts go out to each and everyone in your family. Rita was an extremely beautiful person. We loved her very much. She reminds me of my mom. I said a prayer to my parents and asked them to take very special care, when Rita arrived in heaven. We miss her and are sorry for the loss to a great family. We pray for all of you.
Judi and Skip Weir posted a condolence
Dear Family, Our hearts go out to each and everyone in your family. Rita was an extremely beautiful person. We loved her very much. She reminds me of my mom. I said a prayer to my parents and asked them to take very special care, when Rita arrived in heaven. We miss her and are sorry for the loss to a great family. We pray for all of you.
Kevin posted a condolence
We had a good 13 years together grandma. I didn't think it would end this soon, but no matter what you'll always be in my heart and in my thoughts.
We all love you very much
Barb Bocyck posted a condolence
Dear Steve, Mary, Matthew & Family, We are very sorry to hear of your loss. Please let
us know if we can do anything for you. The Bocyck Family,
Barb, Jerry, Jered & Jalen
KP posted a condolence
Dear Marie & family,
Marie, Bill and Kevin, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I wish you weren't going through this. Be strong. Love, kp
Cindy & John Barkowski posted a condolence
Steve and family--so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Let us know if there is anything we can do.
John & Cindy Barkowski & Family
Janine Reithel (Broccolo) posted a condolence
All the great times at the family reunions and eating Rita's awesome meatballs and chocolate cake. Playing at her house with the intercom when we were little. I will miss her so much.
The family of Rita Oill uploaded a photo
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Please wait
Matt Oill posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Grandma- I am graduating from High School tomorrow. Although it probably goes without saying, I would give literally the world to have you here with me and celebrating with everyone as I begin the next chapter of my life. All night I've been imagining you sitting with my parents at SPAC, cheering for me as I walk the stage, and giving me one of your warm hugs as you congratulate me. It's moments like this that I'm given an extra reminder of how your absence has effected not only myself, but everyone who was lucky enough to be a part of your life. Even as nearly a decade has passed since that sad November day when you left us, I still think about you every day, and at times I miss you just as much as I did when we laid you to rest. I can't even begin to describe the things I'd do to have you back for even a single moment. Even with the knowledge I have and will continue to gain, I will never understand why God needed you back so quickly. You will be in my thoughts this week and I will continue to make you proud with whatever life may throw at me from this point on.
Love and miss you to infinity Grandma.
Philip posted a condolence
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Dear Grandma,
It's been six years and so much has happened. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and what it would be like if you were here. I love you and I'll always miss you!
Annarose posted a condolence
Friday, November 15, 2013
I love you dearly Grandma, and I cherish what little time we had together. It feels so much longer than six years since you left us... yet it feels like just yesterday I was with you. I can see you waiting in the doorway as we pulled up at your house and I can see you waving as we drove away. I can feel your love for all of your 6 children and 13 grandchildren. I can hear your laugh. I can smell the grilled cheese, waffles, and of course cose fritte that you poured your heart into for us. I feel the absence of your presence in my life and the relationship we could have had now. I will always remember, and never forget you, Grandma.
Maggie Lombardo posted a condolence
Thursday, November 14, 2013
To All Family and Friends of Rita Oill,
Even though I never had the privilege of meeting Rita, from what I heard, she seemed like an amazing woman that everyone loved. Kevin always takes about how sweet and kind she was and how he loved her very much. My prayers are always with you all and I know Rita is always with you all too. May she Rest In Peace <3
Pam posted a condolence
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Mom, six years may have passed, but losing you still feels new and so sad. I miss you so very much.
Kevin posted a condolence
Thursday, November 14, 2013
6 years have passed, and you certainly couldn't be missed any more by the four of us. We love and miss you dearly and never leave our minds or hearts. I especially miss you, your presence, your food, and everything about you. Love you forever
Annarose posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I miss you Grandma. How can it be 5 years since you were taken from us when it feels like just yesterday? So much has changed that I wish you could see. I wish you could see me. The person I am becoming and the career that I am already starting. I wish I could go over to your house, and you'd make me waffles, or grilled cheese, or cose fritte, or probably all of the above. I would tell you all about the future plans I have. I wish we could talk about dogs while we do a puzzle or play a game of cards, and drink tea, and have a piece of your famous cake. There's so much I don't know about you. Realizing the relationship that we could have now, makes me miss you more than ever before. I love you Grandma, you are forever and always in my heart. <3
Pam posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Mom, it's been five long years, and at the same time I ask "how can it be five years already?" This year the days fall exactly as they did the year you died, making it somehow harder. I miss you every day.
Kevin posted a condolence
Thursday, September 6, 2012
I forgot about this page for a few years now. I went back through and read all the candles that everyone lit for you. Although I have never forgotten a single thing about you, I did forget the amount of people that loved and missed you - it was more than I could have imagined. To this day everything still seems so vivid. I would have made you proud Grandma. I miss you. I love you.
Annarose posted a condolence
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Kevin, Carter, Lorrain, and I all graduated from high school and will all be 18. I SO wish you could be here to see us all. I still miss you so much especially because I realized that I never really got to know you. I think of you often. You are forever and always in my heart. <3 I love you.
Annarose posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Grandma, Happy 80th Birthday. XO How I wish you were here to celebrate 80 years. And how I wish I could tell you about everything that I've been doing in school and show you how much I've learned. I miss you forever and always. I love you. <3
Matt Oill posted a condolence
Monday, March 19, 2012
Happy 80th Birthday Grandma! Wish you were here to celebrate the event. I love and miss you a lot.
Danny Settepani posted a condolence
Monday, March 19, 2012
Happy 80th Birthday Grandma. Cant believe it will be 5 years this year. I miss you everyday. I love you, sleep sweet and I shall see you soon.
Dan Settepani posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Another year gone, but at least now you have your brother to keep you company wherever you are. I love you Grandma and miss you.
Matt Oill posted a condolence
Monday, September 19, 2011
I just had another great birthday. Although it was fun like the other s it was not the same without you. I miss and love you alot.
Marie posted a condolence
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Mom - we're celebrating another birthday for Kevin without you - but it makes the ones you were here for even more special. Thank goodness we have our memories to keep us going.
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We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
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Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449