Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday, December 15, 2023
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, New York, United States
Graveside Service
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Pinelawn Memorial Park
2030 Pinelawn Avenue
Farmingdale, New York, United States
Final Resting Place
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Pinelawn Memorial Park
2030 Pinelawn Avenue
Farmingdale, New York, United States
Alberto Martin uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 20, 2024

My name is Alberto, I was living with this family for one month in the summer on 1990, when I was an student, recently I visited New York again after many years and I remembered that summer. I also remeber that Dawson was a great person, always trying to make me feel comfortable and he was very interested in the things that I told him about Spain. I´m very sorry for his death and I send a big hug to his family.
Sincerily Alberto
Bob Santoro posted a condolence
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Dawson, What can I say. I've been thinking about you recently and sure enough, found you here on the internet. Wish I had the chance to say goodbye. I guess I'll see you on the other side my friend. We met through Post One in the very early 80's and you were such a positive influence, I named my own son after you. I'll miss you my dear friend. Bobby Santoro
Darrel Jorgensen uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 8, 2024


Dawson was an amazing friend. I enjoyed many reconnaissance hikes with him and other Monteat Hiking Club leaders. Dinners on his deck were delightful. I had the privilege of being the "bus driver" taking him and Barbara along with my wife and buddy, Don, to many 5Ks in the area. We looked forward to his Kringle at Christmas time. He delivered even when the snow was deep and the power was out and he had to bake them on his gas grill. I am so glad I could visit him before he and Barbara left for NY.
Louis G. Pillari posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
We would like to express our sincere condolences to your family. It has been our privilege to assist you during this very difficult time. If there is anything further we can do we are here for you.
Lou Pillari & Staff
Grace Bulger posted a condolence
Friday, December 15, 2023
Dawson to me will always be the Mayor of Knoll Hill. He took such pride in our little neighborhood and provided amazing leadership. He knew and shared the origin stories of every house, the background of each owner / family and all of our trees and wildlife. From the moment I purchased my house, he and Barbara made me feel welcome and taught me what I needed to know to keep my home and our street and land safe and beautiful. They were the best neighbors ever, always generous with their time and stories and Dawson loved to entertain on the piano! And of course they loved to share stories and photos of their beautiful family.
Dawson always amazed me with his strength and resilience. He ran marathons and competed in athletic events till very recently, and he relied on that strength in the past years as he recovered from various health challenges and accidents. He amazed me as he continued to thrive. I miss him and Barbara. The street feels very different without them. Dawson always seemed indestructible, though, and somehow I feel his spirit remains here—or at least visits!
He was a very special man, and Barbara is an equally wonderful woman. I am blessed to have known them and wish Barbara and the family well, sending my love.
The family of Dawson S. Hunter uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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About Us
We are a family owned and operated funeral home, serving all faiths and communities in and around Oyster Bay
Our Location
Oyster Bay Funeral Home
261 South Street
Oyster Bay, NY
Phone: (516) 922-7442
Fax: (516) 922-7449